Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Attended Webinar.

The webinar I attended was on February 27th, 2018 and was title ''Bringing Computer Science and Robotics to the Youngest of Learners''. Dr.Katrina and Mr.Bryan are the ones who were introduced the lecture. The first thing happened is that Dr.Katrina concentrated on the importance of teaching computer science to the learners when they were in the first years of their learning, because when they learn this skill when they were young therefore the skill becomes easy for them later.Teaching computer science is not an easy job because of the learners will get this teaching and see it like as new language teaching.Dr.Katrina re-explained why at the early ages with the young students, they engaged introducing young students to computer science because it is foundational and we want to build this foundational.


  1. I viewed similar webinar talking about itegrating digital literacy skill to curriculum. I think all schools should concentrate on this issue since we are living in days where technology is the ruler!

  2. Technology becomes a main part in our lives that's why we need to integrate digital literacy skill.


The Attended Webinar.

The webinar I attended was on February 27th, 2018 and was title ''Bringing Computer Science and Robotics to the Youngest of Le...