
In this page, you will find my reflections about some applications that I learned them in this course, I hope all the teachers use them and benefit from their advantages. 

Related imageBLOG

A blog is a new application that I use this semester, It is a creation for our information that had never lose, which mean that every single post or page or any comment that I put it in this blog I can get them back even from five years ago. this application differs from others because it reflects our thoughts and ideas on beneficial things not for wasting time.


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A Form is an application that helps the teachers to make a quiz and share it online with students or anyone that care about teacher's quiz. It is also has a good benefit which is that the students can know the consequences of their works after they finish directly.

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A drive is an application that permits the user  to share any file without an opening the email, and it permits the user to put a comment and no one can edit his/her own email, just see it and comment on it and he/she can make a chat with the sender easily .


Padlet is an empty paper that the students write anything on it related to their interests, notes or any suggestion about the lesson or an event that the teacher shares it with them.It is a collaborative tool that the teacher can create and the students can write, like, or rate the writings.


Rubistar is a tool that helps the teacher to make a rubric in less time. It is an easy application you can just go to the link and choose the categories and the criteria you want then you will get the best for you. 


In order to make your information clear and more organizer, you may use the poster. The poster helps the users in facilitating their works, may these works are the presentation about scientific projects, physics projects or anything that the teachers ask their students to do.It is a good way to start your lesson with and let the students understand it in a professional way.


WebQuest is a program that the teachers work on it in a more organized way than any other program when they prepare a certain lesson for example and also the teachers use this WebQuest to direct their students for a specific duty, also these students refer to WebQuest if they miss any step regarding the duty.


ActiveInspire is a program that permits the teacher to change the way of explaining the abstract lessons into a new way of explaining what makes the students don't feel bored at all.The teacher uses an interactive board with rich and powerful activities that attract the students' attention.


The webinar is an organization that group of people makes a certain lecture about any topic they want. The participants who watched this lecture can share comments and slides with each other and one more thing that these lectures are online so we should be quick in taking notes.   

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