Thursday, March 22, 2018



There are different diversities that the teachers face in their classroom with their students, these diversities may be of age, religion, socioeconomic, abilities, learning, nationality, culture, and gender.Actually, there are many others kinds but let us talk especially about the implications of the teacher in dealing with learning diversity.

  1. Some students who struggle in academics may not have had the kinds of rich experiences that prepare children for learning, such as being read a variety of books, visiting museums; or playing games. Understanding the backgrounds of all students and supplementing their experiential foundation can have an impact on their learning.
  2. With effective instruction that includes a variety of engaging repetition activities, students will become more fluent and automatic in demonstrating skills such as reading, calculating, and writing. The more automatic a skill becomes the more energy the brain can expand on other tasks.
  3. Students need scaffolding and support to connect information and make sense of it. As teachers, we need to use teaching strategies such as graphic organizers, concept maps, or semantic features charts that assist students in comprehending what seem to be the unrelated piece of information.
  4. Students will remember and retrieve more information if it has been presented visually, especially pictures and moving visual stimuli.
  5. The importance of emotional engagement with learning. if the students are emotionally engaged or excited about the learning task, they are more likely to learn. 

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