Friday, March 23, 2018

What is understanding?

What is Understanding

Understanding is a mental construct, an abstraction made by the human mind to make sense of many distinct pieces of knowledge.(if students understand then they can provide evidence of that understanding by showing that they know and can do specific things).
The idea of understanding is surely different from the idea of knowing, for example, the student knows the meaning of the words but he/she doesn't understand the sentence.
The difference between understanding and knowing is that when the student knows he can restate, retell, plug-in, regurgitate. while the student understands he can apply, use, create, and transfer.
Understand means that to have the ability to transfer what we have learned to new settings, and use them in flexible, creative way.

1 comment:

  1. Reem as you said,understanding is not really to understand but it mean if you really understand its hard to forget and sometimes people interchange between understanding and know.Understanding is to know a concept and skills,understand it and ready to apply it using real application.


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